Important Updates to Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) and SUPPORT Act

Two CMS regulations, AUC and Section 2003 of the SUPPORT Act related to Medicare Part D - EPCS programs, have recently been updated. Both updates can potentially impact your current plans to adopt EPCS and upgrade to v20 before year end. Read…

patient payments – taming the wild side of practice revenue

We’re pleased to invite you to a webinar hosted by our partner, SwervePay, on August 27, 2020 at 1 p.m. ET. Listen as Trischa Blok, Software Application Specialist for Family Care Physicians, shares her experience with SwervePay and discusses…

Security Vulnerability in all versions of eScriptMessenger

There is a security vulnerability with Surescipts eScriptMessenger. All versions are susceptible. This security vulnerability impacts all sites using athenaPractice or athenaFlow for electronic prescribing. Impacted customers are advised to…