Billing Module Impacted

Dear Centricity™ Practice Solution Customers:

As your essential partner for better healthcare outcomes, we are dedicated to collaborating with you to ensure your Centricity solutions are meeting the needs of your practice. This message is to inform you of a known performance issue in the product that impacts the Billing module in Centricity Practice Solution (CPS) 12.3.0 and later.

In CPS 12.3.0 we replaced VB with .NET, a technical change that controls how billing transactions are processed and is the source of a memory leakage issue that is causing some customers to
experience slowness, freezing, and crashing in the software. In CPS 12.3 SP3, we will reinstate the older VB code while we resolve the .NET issues. This will return the billing performance to levels
experienced prior to 12.3. We will include the replacement of VB with .NET in a later release.

What does this mean for you?
If you use the billing module and are experiencing these performance issues, we recommend upgrading to CPS 12.3 SP3 when it becomes available. This will resolve the billing slowness,
crashing, and/or freezing introduced in 12.3 and return the billing module’s performance to levels experienced prior to 12.3. Those resolutions will also be in v19.

For Customers currently on a version of CPS 12.3.x and experiencing these issues in billing, here are some methods you can implement to reduce the occurrence of these issues while determining your upgrade path:

• Instruct your billing module users to log completely out of Centricity during breaks (e.g. lunch break). This can help reduce the occurrence of these performance issues.
• For CPS 12.3 SP2 users, there is a client-side patch available for download on the Centricity Practice Solutions Support community in our Customer portal. This has helped some
customers reduce the out of memory crashing experienced in the billing module.

We are committed to supporting our customers and we want to work with you to minimize the impact this issue has on your practice. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us immediately. Direct customers, please contact Centricity Support Services by calling 1-888-436-8491.

Customers supported by a VAR, please contact your VAR representative. Please be assured that maintaining a high level of quality and usability is our highest priority.