Important Virence Health Announcement

Today Virence Health expanded its ability to deliver differentiated customer value

This is an exciting day for Virence Health and our customers, as we just announced the closing of our merger with athenahealth. This important milestone takes our combined companies private, with the sponsorship of Veritas Capital and Evergreen Coast Capital, enabling us to take a longer-term view on growth and innovation and providing fresh capital to accelerate our strategic plans. Our new organization, known as athenahealth, is now even better positioned in the industry to fundamentally change the healthcare landscape.

Now 160,000 providers strong, we remain steadfast in our vision to create the largest, most connected network in healthcare with the power to unleash even greater insights and efficiency. In today’s healthcare landscape, having access to data isn’t enough; our unmatched interoperability allows us to leverage the immense data in our network to gain actionable insights that drive better outcomes. We will leverage the full power of the athenahealth platform to create value for all of our customers.

Our Commitment to Your Experience
We are a services and solutions business and our success is anchored to your success. Delivering on commitments and driving unique value will be the foundation of our culture and business model, and we will drive an exceptional customer experience with no disruption in the service you have come to expect from our team.

Product Direction
We remain committed to our strategy of addressing customer needs and finding new ways to reduce your work and improve the clinician experience. We will continue to define and focus our product strategy as we review the solutions within the Virence Health and athenahealth product suites. The addition of athenahealth capabilities will directly benefit your organization with an infusion of new functionality and services. Our network and platform uniquely position us to help our clients succeed at risk and value-based care, which will be a key strategic focus for the year ahead. Additionally, we are committed to two additional areas of focus: improving revenue cycle performance and ROI, while enhancing the clinician experience through greater interoperability. We look forward to sharing our enhanced product roadmaps with you later this year.

In closing, I’m excited to serve as the new Chairman and CEO of athenahealth, and to be surrounded by an amazing leadership team with deep healthcare and technology expertise. Today we take the first step on a promising journey toward the future of healthcare and I couldn’t be prouder of our team. I also want to thank you for your business. You are the reason that we exist as a company, and you have my commitment that we will continue to prove our value to you and strive to maintain your trust going forward. As we move through our integration, we will continue to communicate our progress so that you can stay abreast of the exciting changes at athenahealth!

Until next time…

Bob Segert

Bob Segert

Chairman & CEO, athenahealth